Authentic Posing on a Wedding Day
There’s a subtle art to posing people. And when it comes to posing a nervous, slightly boozed couple on their wedding day, it can feel like you’re calling in miracles just to get them to keep their eyes open at the same time. It’s a juggling act, for sure; getting them to relax, put their best fancy shoe forward, and capture the lighting when it turns on the magic. A deep breath goes a long way for your sanity (and for the sanity of those around you).                                                                                          
Break the ice with the fun ones, then swiftly follow up with the romantic
ones. Once they’re laughing, they’ll drop their guard enough to melt into
the sweeter quieter poses and you’ll have the chance to witness that classic
wedding day goosebump-inducing melt. Ah, we love love.
There are a lot of hopes riding on The Big Day, and as easy as it is to get
swept up in the chaos, it’s important to slow down enough to pull into
sharper focus all of the beautiful moments unfolding around you. And
because we love you, we’ve put together a little guide so you can be extra
sure to keep your cool amongst The Big Day frenzy.

1). Arrive with a vision and a few prompts up your sleeve.
2). Keep it simple, and don’t be afraid to use your voice.
3). Work the angles, get variety, and have fun!

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